Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Business on Crisis Condition

One of my friends has on crisis condition, after their business becoming bankruptcy and their house is taken by bank to be a loan guarantee or mortgage. He ask me and need money to running his business, and I give him debt to run his business. The main problem of him is too focus to their house preventing. He is too busy just take care to their house loan and try to pay the house credit because he think that his house is the most expensive own of him. He just try to get money and then pay to the bank but always less than should be paid. He too focusing on the bank payment, but never think longer to their business running so their business never stabile and always down because can’t pay the business debt.

He don’t believe to me if his business running well, everything will be paid, even the bank debt, but if the business result just to pay the bank debt, the business can’t improve and never get more income, because always lessen the capital. After one year his business can’t develop even the business capital then finished and he can’t no longer running their business and waiting for bank confiscation of his house.

Because my advice never been heard then I run my business alone, and I also owe to the family to run my business. On the first month I just can pay for my debt but still have more benefit, but in the third month there is any disturbance on the business running because there is a bad debt. On the fourth month my business running better and better, after sixth month running the business, I have benefit that actually can pay for the bank debt of my friend but this is my business not him, even I can give a motorcycle facility to my salesman.

Actually I have many plant of business not just in seller but also in service and technology. So for future I can improve my business in many kind of business variety, so I will don’t stuck on one business that sometime can disturb by many matter. Just in five months I have benefit from my business more than my salary when I work on the company.

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