Monday, April 5, 2010

Trading Workshop

On this article I tell about trading workshop that learn about the trading environment and how to maintain the trading itself in order our customer want to buy of certain product to us continuously. If we can give to him a good service like other service beside of just buy and sell, we can get their heart not just their money. If you have of certain skill that can make him feel satisfy, you can sell the product continuously to them because you have something else beside of just buy and sell.

To give this service sometime economically you may loos but for long time will get more money from them, because of this you can give your service just to your good customer, that want to be your loyal customer. Not all of them have a good goal but just use you to make them more have benefit, but many of them can make you feel happy or there is a win-win each other.

To make others become your loyal customer also difficult because other vendor also have different service to make him feel happy. So they don’t want to buy product from you, even you have offer some other benefit if become your customer. They will refuse your offer because they have bought a certain product from others. To make this customer buy product from you, you must more aggressive but polite and do not see anger if they don’t want to buy product from you.

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