Monday, October 12, 2009

Running a Business

Running a business is not as we imagine, must have big capital or to have a market. People can learn of business can from social or friendship or from directly to be a business practice itself. However, if directly doing a business practices have a greater risk; very rare people can get straight successfully live from the business. But through a long process. People should be able to convince customers that consumers want to buy and become our dependent customer.

Business as like on this internet, if you create a certain keyword and try to search using your browser and then you find there are million web that using that keyword. Its mean that many other website become compete each others. Then there are also many advise to create a keyword that have less competition. You can doing business such that but then you will have no customer to use it, and then no one buy a good from you, so what for, you will don’t get money from your business because no one buy from you. This also will happen to you if you do a business on the real world. You must compete with others, more competitor, then will more get big money chance from your business.

So I think the real business are market; if there are many user they will have a big future. China can say always create a product with a huge customer in this world and can be said that China always win on the competition, so this mean that China is strongest and difficult to shift because china have hold the mostly market on this world. If America won’t to shift China from current condition America must be able to compete with China, with the price, the quantity, the must capture the market, then increase the quality. I think this is the key of world economy currently, and become the key to get out from crisis.

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