Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Story of President Election

Two candidate Mr. Mc Cain and Mr. Obama, have said will win on this election, reality both just different in small percent, 2 percent. This means that the two parties have similar power in America, Democrats and Republic. It’s just small different so why difficult to predict who will win on the president election last time.

Neglected on those election process, this time is very interesting because the strongest president is black race, this will remove of the first expression that American President will always from white race. America has become a mixed and multi race country, no dominant race anymore, so the race issue should be eliminated. America also has multi religion, so it should be no religion issue.

Have several times America nominate a black man to be a president of America, but always fail in middle, even retiring from nomination. On this election estimated 187 million voters were registered, and in an indication of interest in the battle for the White House, 40 million or so had already voted as Election Day dawned.

Obama sought election as one of the youngest presidents, and one of the least experienced in national political affairs.

That wasn't what set the Illinois senator apart, though — neither from his rivals nor from the other men who had served as president since the nation's founding more than two centuries ago. A black man, he confronted a previously unbreakable barrier as he campaigned on twin themes of change and hope in uncertain times.

McCain, a prisoner of war during Vietnam, a generation older than his rival at 72, was making his second try for the White House, following his defeat in the battle for the GOP nomination in 2000.

McCain and Obama each won contested nominations — the Democrat outdistancing former first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton — and promptly set out to claim the mantle of change.

Obama won California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, the District of Columbia, Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Virginia, Vermont, Washington and Wisconsin.
McCain had Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Idaho, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, West Virginia and Wyoming.

Go out from Crisis
New President with Crisis

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